Council Meeting – 10th April
Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 7.30pm
Ugborough Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Fletcher (Chair), Beable, Hart, Holway, Hosking, Johns, May, Slater and Wells
Also present SHDC Cllrs Abbott and Dewynter
1 member of the public was in attendance
Questions from the Public
– Would Council consider completing the work needed to make access to the Post Office accessible – this
will be on the May agenda
– Would Council contact OpenReach regarding the excess cable left at the base of various telegraph poles
in the village – clerk to action
– Council was asked to liaise with DCC regarding the condition of the footpath at the the western end of
Bittaford leading to Ivybridge and, in particular, the stretch between the pavement opposite the Village Hall
and the Clay Factory where grass and soil has encroached onto the pavement making it very narrow and
dangerous – clerk to action
– Can Council ask DCC to consider a drop-kerb on the pavement opposite the Village Hall entrance to
allow mobile scooter users to cross the road to a wider pavement to prevent them having to use the very
narrow pavement (particularly outside the Toll House) on Bittaford Terrace. (The current drop down kerb is
frequently blocked by parked vehicles) – clerk to action
Report from District Councillors – see our website
Community Composting Pilot Projects
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall
Free Energy Retrofitting Guide for Residents
South Dartmoor Community Energy
Economic Impact of the Visitor Economy for the South Hams
Community Safety Partnership
Freeport Unlocking Growth Event
2024 01 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Cooper and Nelson and DCC Councillor
2024 02 A declaration of personal interest in agenda item 2024 04 1b. Planning was declared by
Cllr Slater
2024 03 The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th March, as previously circulated, were approved
with an amendment to 23.141 to include the underlined below:
Cllr Hosking declared a potential perceived interest in the planning agenda items relating to Lower
Bowcombe Farm.
Matters arising:
1. Light on Conduit update – no update
2. 30mph restriction on the approach to Ivybridge from Bittaford (B3213) – David’s Cross – awaiting
an update from Cllr Thomas
3. Meeting with Tilia Homes – This meeting is postponed pending the outcome of work being done by
SHDC planning enforcement
4. Vision obstruction for motorists exiting Shute Lane and Green Lane onto the B3123 – there are a
range of factors contributing to this problem. Clerk to contact DCC to request they consider any
possible solutions
5. Parking fees within Dartmoor National Park – with the recent news of the re-opening of the golf
course it is hoped this will resolve itself. Council to monitor.
2024 04 Planning
1. The following applications were considered:
a) 0107/24 First floor story extension to the side Mr & Mrs Oliver Tayler 5 Leigh Close, Bittaford,
Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 0HA
The external staircase was noted and it was agreed that Council respond neutrally to DNP and
comment that they (DNP) may wish to check that this complies with their current policy on shortterm letting.
b) 0948/24/LBC Hill House Ugborough Ivybridge PL21 0NJ Listed Building Consent for ‘Phase 3’
Internal alterations to layout & finishes, along with a single window replacement on the South Elevation
Support providing the conservation officer approves the application
2. The decisions made at the last meeting for the following applications were ratified:
a) 0655/24/ARC Lower Bowcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN Application for approval of details
reserved by conditions 9 (Drainage Scheme), 11 (Slates), 12 (Lobby Roof), 13 (Eaves & Verges), 14
(External Attachments) and 15 (Windows/Doors) of planning consent 3859/22/FUL Support
b) 0657/24/ARC Lower Bowcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN Application for approval of details
reserved by conditions 9 (Slates), 10 (External Attachments) and 11 Windows/Doors) of planning consent
2529/22/FUL Support
c) 24/0016 Work to Trees protected by a TPO: Moorhaven Church, 5 Church Lane, Moorhaven,
Ivybridge, PL21 0XW T1 & T2 Beech: Crown reduction by up to 2.5m. Cllr Johns will assess and
d) 0564/24/FUL and 0565/24/FUL East Cannamore Avonwick South Brent TQ10 9HA General Purpose
Agricultural Building Support
e) 4206/23/FUL READVERTISEMENT (amended description): Restoration and conversion of barn into 4-
bed two storey dwelling (Class C3(a)) with associated amenity area and car parking Langford Barton, The
Barn, Ugborough, PL21 0PG Support
f) 0101/24 Moorhaven Church, 5 Church Lane, PL21 0XW Support providing the conservation
officer is happy that the glazing choice is not detrimental to the property
2. The decisions made by SHDC were noted:
a) 182/24/LBC Listed Building Consent Mrs Helene Lucas Hill House Ugborough, PL21 0NJ Listed
building consent for necessary repair works to the roof covering & rear chimney
Conditional Approval
b) 0309/24/LBC Listed Building Consent Mrs Helene Lucas Hill House. Ugborough. PL21 0NJ. Listed
Building Consent application for ‘Phase 2’ necessary structural repair works to the roof, roof trusses & first
floor structures over living room 3 only.
Conditional Approval
c) 3678/23/FUL Mr Martin Daw Higher Witchcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HR. Use of a mobile home
to act as a temporary agricultural workers dwelling
3. Communication from North Huish PC concerning a 2021 planning application that may have been
breached was considered and it was agreed that Council would refer the matter to SHDC Planning
2024 05 Update on Ugborough West
1. The ongoing debate about speeding etc in the west-side of the Parish continues to gain a
– The south side of David’s Lane now has a 20mph speed limit from the junction of the new site
office and the top before the junction with Exeter Road;
– The “horse” signs have still not appeared back on the national speed limit post at Davey’s
– An increase in speeding along the entire section of Exeter Road from the west of the Parish to
the east, especially through those residential areas designated 30mph has been noticed;
2. The flooding at Rue St Pierre appears to have abated given the last few months work,
however the continued rains have now opened up more recently filled and new potholes along
the entire section of Exeter Road, particularly as discussed last time the mini-roundabout at
the junction of St Peters Way;
3. Someone has, dangerously turned the 30/National Speed limit sign around as you approach
Fore Street from the A3121 just passed the junction with Parsonage Lane.
2024 06 Finance and HR
1. The payments as listed on the agenda were approved and receipts noted:
2. The financial statement was received
3. It was agreed to grant fund South Hams Citizens Advice £400.
4. Two quotations were considered for the purchase of a new noticeboard for Wrangaton: The
company used for the new noticeboard at Bittaford – (£377+VAT) – offer price 4th April (240+VAT) and MS
Contracting – £414.15 plus VAT to include erection of the board.
It was agreed to go with the 2nd option
5. It was agreed that the charitable donation of £2.50 from The Roperidge Charitywould be given
to the organisers of Sustainable Saturdays to contribute towards subsidised coffee at one of the
Saturday events.
2024 07 Highways
1. There is no update on the bus shelter at Filham Chase
2. The design of the agreed shelter at Wrangaton Sidings Cross was agreed
3. The diversion implications for the roadworks to widen the A3121 south of the Sign of the Owl junction
were considered. It was agreed that this was potentially going to create a lot of problems but
accepted that there were no alternatives for DCC. It was, however, agreed that the clerk will
request that DCC consider the use of traffic lights in the 2nd phase in order to keep the Sign of the
Owl Cross Roads open
4. It was agreed that it was not appropriate to apply to the DCC Highways Communities
Enhancement Fund for the purchase of a wheelbarrow for a contractor
2024 08 Climate Emergency and sustainable Ugborough
1. Feedback from the Carbon Zero event:
There were 17 helpers and 17 people attended which was slightly disappointing as there was a lot of
really useful information pulled together. It was agreed that Cllr May would create a section on the
website to signpost people to support and advice as and when needed.
2. Feedback from the webinar on the Regen and National Grid Electricity Distribution project focused on
the decarbonisation of rural areas.
It was agreed that Ugborough was not ready to apply for this particular funding stream.
3. It was agreed to budget a sum of £250 (in the first instance) to establish an Invasive Species
A series of Balsam Bashing events are taking place starting 15th May. Information available on the website
2024 09 Asset Management
1. Bittaford Play Area Update
Work to remove the shelter and re-seed in the top area has been delayed by the weather. The gate
closing mechanism and see-saw alignment will be dealt with this month and work is in hand to investigate
whether there is a problem with the drainage from the highway above the play area that caused the
footpath damage. DNP have repaired the damage to the path and done some remedial work on a pipe
that might help prevent the flooding re-occurring.
2024 10 D-Day Celebrations
It was agreed that Council would not organise a D-Day event
2024 11 School Field update
There is a meeting on 19th April to agree the lease and it is hoped that the work will take place during the
May half-term
2024 12 Communication Received
1. Interest in assisting with pot-hole repairs – Agreed to send the individual details of the Road
Warden scheme and, should they be interested in training for and taking on the role of Road
Warden and recruiting and managing a volunteer team, Council would consider supporting them
by entering into the agreement with DCC. This is not currently a role any of the Councillors can
take on.
2. Request to raise the ground next to the post box to improve accessibility – Clerk to contact the
Post Office to discuss any options
2024 13 No further meetings had been attended
2024 14 Date of next meeting:
Wednesday 8th May 7.30pm (Annual Parish Council meeting) followed by May monthly meeting.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm