Council Meeting – 13th March
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 7.30pm
Ugborough Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Fletcher (Chair), Hart, Holway, Hosking, Johns, May, Nelson, Slater and Wells
Also present: Cllrs Thomas (DCC), Abbott and Dewynter (SHDC)
Questions from the Public
Funding towards the Newsletter was raised and Council acknowledge the increased costs and are
happy to continue grant-funding towards this. Cllr Thomas is also happy to contribute to this from his
Localities Grant.
A Road Sign is missing on the road at Ware – JF to report to DCC
Report from Cllr Dan Thomas (DCC) – Full report available on the website
1. Bloor developers have requested use of David’s Lane for their works traffic – continuation of use of the
estate is recommended
2. Council request for the 30mph zone at David’s Cross to be changed has not been agreed by DCC
Highways officers and it was agreed that Cllr Thomas would now take this to the HATOC (Highways and
Traffic Orders Committee)
3. Water run off from the highway onto Bittaford Play Area. It was acknowledged that Council wished to
prevent a reoccurrence of the recent damage to the footpath before further work is done to improve it but
DCC do have a statutory right to allow water run-off into adjacent land from roads to alleviate flooding.
Council do not agree that this should apply when the run-off is into a children’s play area. It was agreed
to challenge this with DCC legal department.
Report from Cllrs Abbott and Dewynter (SHDC) – Full report and links to useful sources are
available on the website
1. Highlights from SHDC Council Plan
2. Community Library Support Fund (Closes 31 Mar 24)
3. Consultation on designated bathing waters
4. Small Grants for Village Halls
5. Grants to Support Individuals and Families in Need
6. Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation on the control of alcohol in public places
7. £300 Energy Vouchers for South Hams Residents
8. Changes to the way you can vote in the UK
9. Garden Waste Service
10. Learn Devon Courses
There has been a meeting with DCC to discuss pooling of water on the cycle lane along the B3213 – there
is an issue with the ground levels
– flooding and drainage issues are being discussed at Saxon Gate
23.140 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beable and Cooper
23.141 Cllr Hosking declared a potential perceived interest in the planning agenda items relating
to Lower Bowcombe Farm.
23.142 The Minutes of the Meeting held on 14th February, as previously circulated, were approved.
Matters arising:
1. Light on Conduit – a site meeting has taken place between UPC, DCC and SHDC and work is
2. Annual Parish Community Meeting – South West Water will be the main speaker and have
requested questions in advance
3. Speeding at Wrangaton – The police have suggested residents might wish to establish a
community speedwatch scheme. Clerk to send details to the resident who raised this.
4. Meeting with Tilia Homes – Clerk to reply to Tilia requesting information regarding the commercial
use they are proposing.
23.143 Planning
1. The following applications were considered:
Cllr Hosking left the room
a) 0653/24/ARC Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 7 (Slates), 8 (External
Attachments) and 9 (Windows/Doors) of planning consent 2530/22/LBC Site Address: Lower Bowcombe
Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN
b) 0654/24/ARjC Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 6 (Slates), 7 (Lobby Roof), 8
(Eaves & Verges) and 9 (External Attachments) and 10 (Windows/Doors) of planning consent
3860/22/LBC Site Address: Lower Bowcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN
To be ratified at the April meeting
c) 0655/24/ARC Lower Bowcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN Application for approval of details
reserved by conditions 9 (Drainage Scheme), 11 (Slates), 12 (Lobby Roof), 13 (Eaves & Verges), 14
(External Attachments) and 15 (Windows/Doors) of planning consent 3859/22/FUL
d) 0657/24/ARC Lower Bowcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HN Application for approval of details
reserved by conditions 9 (Slates), 10 (External Attachments) and 11 Windows/Doors) of planning consent
Cllr Hosking returned
e) 24/0016 Work to Trees protected by a TPO: Moorhaven Church, 5 Church Lane, Moorhaven,
Ivybridge, PL21 0XW T1 & T2 Beech: Crown reduction by up to 2.5m.
Cllr Johns will assess and respond
To be ratified at next meeting:
f) 0564/24/FUL and 0565/24/FUL East Cannamore Avonwick South Brent TQ10 9HA Proposal
General Purpose Agricultural Building
g) 4206/23/FUL READVERTISEMENT (amended description): Restoration and conversion of barn into 4-
bed two storey dwelling (Class C3(a)) with associated amenity area and car parking Langford Barton, The
Barn, Ugborough, PL21 0PG
h) 0101/24 Application at Moorhaven Church, 5 Church Lane, PL21 0XW
Support providing the conservation officer is happy that the glazing choice is not detrimental to
the property
2. The following decisions made by SHDC and DNP were noted:
a) 1070/23/ARC Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions Wain Homes (South West) LTD
Proposed Development At Sx 6481 5631, Ivybridge Application for approval of details reserved by
conditions 3(Materials), 4 (Hardsurfacing), 8 (Levels), 11 (Garden Gates) and 12(Waste Bins/Street
Furniture) of planning consent 2239/19/ARM
Decision: Discharge of Condition Approved
b) 4189/22/ARC Approval of Details Reserved by Conditions Wain Homes (South West) LTD
Proposed Development At Sx 6481 5631, Off Rutt Lane, Ivybridge
Decision: Discharge of Conditions – Split Description: Application for approval of details reserved by
conditions 11 (CMP),14 (Surface Water), 19 (Landscaping) and 20 (Earthworks) of planning consent
c) 3719/23/FUL Mr Matt Widdicombe Farm Yard Manure Store Cutwellcombe Farm, Cannamore Turn
To Cutwellwalls Cross, Avonwick, TQ10 9HA
Decision: Conditional Approval
3. The planning appeal was considered:
Refusal of full planning permission for the erection of self-build 2-bed bungalow with parking 5 Beacon
Terrace, Wrangaton, Devon, TQ10 9HD. (An Inspector has been appointed by the Planning Inspectorate
under paragraph 1(i) of Schedule 6 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to determine this appeal)
Agreed that UPC has nothing to add to its previous support of the application
23.144 Update on Ugborough West
There has been conversation regarding the masts at the rugby ground
23.145 Finance and HR
1. The payments were approved and receipts noted:
2. The financial statement was received:
3. It was considered that the purchase of a wheelbarrow for Highways work by the contractor was
not appropriate as they would have their own equipment
23.146 Highways
1. No update on the proposal for a bus shelter at Filham Chase
2. Bus shelter at Wrangaton Sidings Cross – still waiting for designs for consideration
3. Vision obstruction for motorists exiting Shute Lane and Green Lane onto the B3123
It was agreed that the clerk would write to the 2 business owners
4. Roadworks to widen the A3121 south of the Sign of the Owl junction
It was agreed that the clerk would contact DCC Highways for clarification of the extent of the road
closure and diversion proposal.
23.147 Climate Emergency and sustainable Ugborough
1. A recent meeting has finalised all arrangements for the UPC Sustainability event on 23rd March at 1pm
in Ugborough Village Hall.
2. UPC to express an interest in the Regen and National Grid Electricity Distribution project
focused on the decarbonisation of rural areas. REACH: Rural Energy and Community Heat.
23.148 Asset Management
1. Bittaford Play Area Update:
a) The removal of the fallen tree is in progress and the additional work needed to repair the damage to
the wall was approved (Maximum of 3 Days Labour £602.88 Digger hire, fuel and Delivery, Collection
£175 Total £775 Plus VAT.)
b) Work on removing the shelter has been postponed until the ground dries
c) Closing mechanism for the gate is on order
2. Consideration of flooding and drainage on the highway above Bittaford Play Area – dealt with
during DCC reporting session
Council acknowledges that Devon County Council have a statutory right to allow water run-off into
adjacent land from roads to alleviate flooding on the roads and that their funding to do preventative work is
restricted. However Council does not agree that this should be the case when the run-off is into a
children’s play area.
It was agreed that MS Contracting do further investigative work on whether there is anything we
can do to “divert” any potential run-off and, if not, Clerk to write to DCC Legal Dept. to challenge
this with Devon County Council legal department.
23.149 School Field update
There is a meeting on 20th March to discuss the lease – Cllrs Fletcher and Hosking and the clerk to
23.150 Communication Received
1. Parking fees within Dartmoor National Park
Agreed that the clerk to refer this communication to Dartmoor National Park
23.151 To receive reports on any meetings attended
Cllrs Beable and Holway had attended 2 police webinars
Date of next meetings Wednesday 10th April in Ugborough Village Hall
6.30pm Annual Parish Community Meeting – South West Water to deliver a brief presentation and
take a question and answer session.
7.30 pm Council Meeting
Meeting closed at 9.27pm