Council Meeting – 14th February
Wednesday 14th
February 2024 at 7.30pmUgborough Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Fletcher (Chair), Beable, Cooper, Hart, Holway, Hosking, Johns, May, Slater
Also present: Cllr Abbott (SHDC)
2 Members of the public were in attendance
Questions from the public
1) Two members of the public made representations on planning application 0368/24/ARC.
They are concerned that the plans lack detail and do not fully illustrate how the drainage will work and do not include information about neighbouring properties that will be impacted by the work. They reported that there has been no engagement with neighbours regarding the work and that they had concerns about flooding to their property that could potentially happen as a result of the work. The current permitted access to the land by one of the neighbouring properties to maintain their own building was also potentially compromised. It was also noted that SHDC had not taken action on a previous breach of the application.
2) There was a request for Council to agree the rewilding of a small grass verge in Wrangaton. This piece of land is not UPC or DCC property or responsibility and clerk will contact the resident to explain this is not something the council can pursue.
3) Residents at Saxons Gate had reported that the developers / management committee were not taking responsibility for the hedge cutting.
4) It was reported that water build up on Donkey Lane was still a problem. This is on DCC schedule of work.
Report from County Councillor
Cllr Thomas had sent his apologies. His report:
- Update on the devolution deal for Devon and Torbay which has progressed to consultation stage. For further information go to the website–
- DCC budget update will be presented at the next meeting
- The 20mph scheme for Ugborough Village has now been approved and will proceed to public consultation
- The relocation of the 30mph sign at David’s Cross is still being discussed. Clerk to request a site meeting.
Report from District Councillors Abbott and Dewynter – for full report see UPC website. Cllr Dewynter had sent her apologies.
- A Dog Warden has visited Ugborough Village but no evidence of fouling seen. Please report exact problem locations
- South Hams Housing Offer
- Changes to the way you can vote
- Garden Waste service
- Learn Devon Courses
- Composting Pilots
- Climate Change and Bio-diversity Locality Fund
- South Devon National Landscape “Life on the Edge” project
- Support for Care Leavers
23.128 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Nelson and Wells
23.129 Cllr Fletcher declared an interest in planning application 0368/24/ARC.
23.130 The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 10th January 2024, as previously circulated were approved.
Matters arising:
- 20mph speed restriction in Ugborough village – now approved and going for public consultation
- Light on Conduit – no update
- Paint on the road in Ugborough village – it was agreed that this matter would now be dropped from the agenda
- 30mph restriction on the approach to Ivybridge from Bittaford (B3213) – still under consideration and clerk to request a site meeting
- Flooding and drainage on the highway above Bittaford Play Area – Clerk to chase DCC and also report flooding at Kitterford roundabout
- Yellow zig-zags outside the school – this is on the DCC schedule
23.131 Planning
- The following planning applications were considered:
- a) 0182/24/LBC Hill House Ugborough PL21 0NJ Listed building consent for necessary repair works to the roof covering & rear chimney
- b) 0309/24/LBC Listed Building Consent application for ‘Phase 2’ necessary structural repair works to the roof, roof trusses & first floor structures over living room 3 only. Hill House PL21 0NJ
- c) 3678/23/FUL Proposal: Use of a mobile home to act as a temporary agricultural workers dwelling Site Address: Higher Witchcombe Farm, Ugborough, PL21 0HR
UPC recommend that SHDC investigate whether any existing residential mobile homes on the site are available for the purpose intended.
- d) 0237/24/VAR Application for Variation of Conditions 2 (Plans) & 10 (Ecology Report) for approved planning application 0228/20/FUL Site Address: Earlscombe Farm Bittaford PL21 0LD
No comment
- e) 4206/23/FUL Proposal: Restoration & conversion barn into a 4 -bed two storey holiday unit with assoc amenity area & car parking Site Address: Langford Barton, The Barn, Ugborough, PL21 0PG
Late application for ratification at the March meeting.
- f) 0368/24/ARC Lutterburn Farm, PL21 0NG Proposal application for approval of details reserves by conditions 4 (surface water drainage scheme) and 5 (Adoption and Maintenance) of planning consent 3460/17/OPA
Cllr Fletcher left the room and Cllr Slater took the Chair.
The Parish Council has concerns about this application due to the technical nature of the proposals. We request South Hams District Council and their specialist consultants ensure that the works proposed comply with the Development Plan and any planning conditions specified at the time of the original and any subsequent planning consents, and take into account the points raised by objectors. In particular we require assurance that the proposed barrier hedge is suitable for purpose, and if so, that its future maintenance is secured with a planning condition.
Cllr Fletcher took the Chair
- The decisions made by SHDC and DNP were noted:
- a) 3412/23/FUL Witchcombe House, Ugborough, PL21 0HR Proposed ground standing 20 No solar panels, associated equipment &batteries
Decision: Conditional Approval
- b) 0499/23 Burrington House Wrangaton South Brent TQ10 9HF Cladding to upper walls of existing house, Burrington House, Wrangaton, South Brent, TQ10 9HF
Conditional approval
- c) Grid Reference: (269273, 58611) Communication Station Lower Eden Stable South Brent TQ10 9ES Notice of Intent to Install Electronic Communication Apparatus
Decision: Permitted Development
- d) Owley Cottage, South Brent, TQ10 9HL Installation of two radon sumps, Owley Cottage, South Brent, TQ10 9HL
Conditonal approval
- e) 3526/23/TCA Works to a Tree in a Conservation Area 21, Lutterburn Street, Ugborough, PL21 0NG Decision: Tree Works No Objection Raised
- Development at Sidings Cross:
- a) The responses made to planning application 3950/23/POD between meetings to comply with deadlines were ratified;
Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use from Commercial, Business & Service (Class E) to dwelling house (Class C3) – conversion of ground floor of 2 Storey Building from commercial unit to 2 x bedroom flat with 1 x additional parking space Location: 2 Creber Drive Wrangaton TQ10 9FL
- i) UPC strongly oppose this proposal. Wrangaton has few local services and to comply with the Ugborough Neighbourhood Plan a need was identifiedfor a retail outlet and/or community space. We understand from the Local Member at the time that this was a condition precedent for him toapprove the grant of planning consent.In our opinion the space should be made available to the community to manage and enable them to find a suitable community use and/orcommercial occupier for the building. Recent suggestions at the Parish Council include a visiting post office, pre-school group or publichealth visitor/doctor.The Council requests that this application be taken to the Planning Committee to enable the measures the Developer has taken to fulfil their obligation in Condition 9 of 3717/19/ARM to be subjected to closer scrutiny.
- ii) 1317/16/OPA stated that “The proposal now is for 36 dwellings (including affordable housing) and a flexible shop/communityspace”.
In the light of the condition 9 of 3717/19/ARM:
Condition 9. Within 6 months of the completion of the development hereby approved, confirmation of the intended use of the community building or shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The use shall then be implemented in accordance with that agreement.
Reason: To ensure that the community building or shop is used for its intended purpose in accordance with the approval for this site.
We suggest that the property is in Use Class F2 (Not E) and that its use as an office by the developers was in breach of this condition and that the opportunity to convert to residential was lost in 2021?
- b) The decision to report an Alleged Breach of 3717/19/ARM – Cond 9. Community building or shop. Land Adjacent to Siding Cross Wrangaton was ratified.
- c) It was noted that SHDC had refused the application. Clerk to request a meeting with the developers to discuss future use for the building before further consideration regarding applying for it to become an asset of community value.
- The appeal outcome for Yeo Farm, Ermington Road, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 0LF was noted.
Appeal is allowed and approval granted
- Clerk to request information from Dartmoor National Park on the current situation regarding Yollandbrook, Bittaford
23.132 There was no update on Ugborough West
23.133 Finance and HR
- The following payments were approved:
Gross | VAT | Net | |
HMRC | 495.54 | 495.54 | |
Pension | 197.93 | 197.93 | |
Sally Smale | 546.04 | 546.04 | |
J Widdicombe 2190 | 198.00 | 33.00 | 165.00 |
J Widdicombe | 132.00 | 22.00 | 110.00 |
Parish ONline | 242.00 | 242.00 | |
Village Hall Hire Oct – Dec | 55.00 | ||
Sally Smale | 62.13 | 62.13 | |
Postage (SS) | 6.00 | 6.00 | |
Bittaford Planters | 25.40 | 4.23 | 21.17 |
- The financial statement was received:
Community Projects: New Pre School building, Amenity green space (Ugborough village), Bittaford play park equipment and surfaces, Conduit repair and maintenance, Tidying village centres and planters, Grant towards community use of redundant WC buildings, Walking leaflets.
- The proposed burial fees for financial year 2024-2025 (distributed previously) were agreed
- The proposal to increase the clerk’s salary by 1 local government scale point was approved
- The updated Financial Regulations were approved for adoption
23.134 Policy
- The new website was discussed and it was agreed that:
– Cllrs would provide photos and brief biographies
– Clerk to continue editing content
– Cllr May would add footpath mapping
- It was agreed that the Annual Parish meeting would take place on Wednesday 10th April at 6.30pm in Ugborough Village Hall. Clerk to contact SWW to attend.
23.135 Highways
- The consideration of the proposal for a bus shelter at Filham Chase was deferred to the March meeting in the absence of Cllr Wells
- The design of the agreed shelter at Wrangaton Sidings Cross was deferred to the March meeting as no proposal had been received.
- Clerk to report the issue of speeding at Wrangaton to the police
23.136 Climate Emergency and sustainable Ugborough
Cllr Fletcher updated on plans for the UPC Sustainability event on 23rd March
A budget of up to £200 for expenses was agreed.
Final preparation meeting to be held on 13th March at 6.30pm in Ugborough Village Hall
23.137 Asset Management
- Bittaford Play Area Update – Clerk to request Maintenance contractor to prioritise tree removal and drain monitoring
- The quote from MS contracting for the erection of the new notice board in Ugborough bus shelter was approved – 2 people for 1.5 – 2 hours each at £25.12 per hour = up to £100.50
- Christmas lights in Ugborough. As the person currently erecting the lights has stepped down after 4 years new arrangements will need to be made. Council thank Lilly for taking this on over the last 4 years and will consider the matter later in the year. Cllr Holway to collect the lights.
23.138 School Field update
The S106 monies have been approved and the school hope that the fence will be erected over the Easter Holidays or during the May Half-term holidays if that does not work. The school has commented on the previous licence for public use and Councillors to comment also before it is submitted to a solicitor for approval.
23.139 Reports on meetings attended
Cllr May had attended the River Erme Councils Group and shared concerning data on water discharges
Cllrs Holway and Beable had attended the Police and Crime Commissioners group update
Date of next meeting Wednesday 13th March at 7.30 pm Ugborough Village Hall
Meeting closed at 10.00pm